Purpose: Learn how to connect your own Correos carrier contract with your Sendcloud account in a few steps.
Step 1: Activate your Sendcloud subscription
Sendcloud offers three subscriptions with which you are able to use your own transport contract: Lite, Growth and Premium.
For more information regarding which plan is best for you and the needs of your business, you can always contact us via the support section of your Sendcloud account or click here.
Step 2: Enable your carrier contract
Once you have activated a Sendcloud subscription, you can connect your carrier contract.
In your Sendcloud panel navigate to Shipping > Carriers. Go to the My contracts tab and find Correos from the list. Click Add contract.
Step 3: Enter your Correos contract details
Please contact your Account Executive at Correos to request the following credentials:
- Contract name (optional)
Cuenta de Cliente de Sistemas: Username for the webservices
Contraseña: Password for the webservices
Número de Contrato: Contract number
Número de Cliente: Client number
Código etiquetador: Labeller
- Número de cuenta bancaria (optional): IBAN. Insert your IBAN number only if you plan to use Cash on Delivery with Correos. If not, please leave this field empty.
Usuario de acceso en Mi Oficina: Email address that you use to access mioficina.correos.es
Once you have requested this information, you will receive three emails from correos@correos.com:
- Subject: Email account validation
Click on the link that is included in this email so that Correos shares the webservice keys with you. - Subject: Registration Webservice Pre-registration service
You will receive an email with the following credentials: - Subject: Password Notification
You will receive an email with your Webservices password. Enter your account password in the field "Password (Webservices password).
Once you have gathered all the credentials, go to the Correos contract activation page in your Sendcloud panel (Shipping > Carrier > My contracts > Correos) and fill in the required fields. Don't forget to click Add this contract.
Done! Once you've followed the steps above, your Correos contract should now be successfully linked to your Sendcloud platform and you can begin shipping on your Correos rates. When you create a label with a Correos shipping method, the label price will now show as 0.00 EUR in your account.