Purpose: This is a guide on receiving reimbursement from UPS express. For certain services and destinations, UPS offers a free money-back guarantee whereby shipping costs could be refunded if your parcel does not reach its intended destination within the delivery time indicated.
What is the UPS Money-back-Guarantee
The money-back-guarantee applies if a shipment is delivered outside the time commitment given on the tool, and allows you to request a reimbursement or credit for the shipping charges (or part-payment in cases where only some of the packages in a shipment fail to be delivered in time) net of VAT, duties, taxes or levies.
- You can calculate whether your parcel qualifies for this reimbursement by going to the UPS "Calculate Delivery Time" tool and entering your parcel details.
In order to qualify for the reimbursement, the following conditions must also be met:
- All necessary shipping documents required by the country of origin or destination or the country of transit must be filled in completely and accurately and enclosed/attached as required to the package
- The address label must show the receiver's correct name, delivery address and postcode
- If applicable, the package must have a sticker for Saturday delivery (for destinations where this service is available)
- You must send your request to UPS in writing or by telephone within 15 days of the date of the scheduled delivery and provide them with the recipient's name/address/shipping date/package weight and UPS contol number
- The shipment must not require any additional handling (see description on additional handling surcharge at www.ups.com)
The money-back-guarantee does not apply if the delay in delivery is due to the following circumstances:
- The package does not comply with the service restrictions and conditions listed in the UPS conditions of carriage;
- Circumstances for which UPS is not responsible (force majeure);
- The suspension of freight or the exercise of a right of retention in accordance with our conditions of carriage.
How to submit a refund request
You ship with UPS on Sendcloud rates
Send your request to Sendcloud Support via email or chat within 15 days of the date of the scheduled delivery and provide us with the recipient's name, address, shipping date, package weight, and UPS control number.
You have a direct contract with UPS
You must send your request to UPS in writing or by telephone within 15 days of the date of the scheduled delivery and provide them with the recipient's name, address, shipping date, package weight, and UPS control number.
For more information please visit the terms and conditions page on the UPS website.