Purpose: learn how to get a list of available printers and use this to successfully print your labels through API.
Note: that the print client app needs to be opened and that you provide the path of where your pdf file is located.
Step 1: Find your printer(s)
Get a list of available printers with the following sample call:
curl ' printers' -H 'Accept: application/json
The response will show a list of available printers including their "id"
. See example below:
[ { "default": true, "id": "HP_LaserJet_500_colorMFP_M570dw", "name": "HP LaserJet 500 colorMFP M570dw" }, { "default": false, "id": "DYMO_LabelWriter_4XL", "name": "DYMO LabelWriter 4XL" }, { "default": false, "id": "Zebra_Technologies_ZTC_GK420d", "name": "Zebra Technologies ZTC GK420d" } ]
The id of the printer will later function as input for the POST Print a document request.
Step 2: Print your documents
For more details on printing documents through API we forward you to our API documentation.
- Make sure to add the id of the printer from Step 1 in the following URL:
url ='<insert printer ID>/print
- Next, add the path to the location of the PDF document
- Use the example in the code block below to complete your request
(The example shown below is written in Python.)
import requests
url =''
file = {
'file': open('C:/path/to/test.pdf', 'rb'),
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json'
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=file)
After a successful response your label will be printed.
For more information on our API, we advise you to take a look at our API Documentation.