Objective: learn how to connect your own Delivengo carrier contract (Profile contract) with your Sendcloud account.
Important Update: With the new Delivengo update from version 2.3 to 2.4, we see that the shipping criteria for the sender has been changed. Below you will find the most important changes:
1. The EORI number, already mandatory for shipments to the United Kingdom, must also be completed for the following destinations: Australia; New Zealand ; Norway;
2. The sender's phone number is mandatory and must contain a mobile phone number, starting with a prefix (+336 / +337 / 00336 / 00337 / 06 / 07), followed by 8 digits.
3. The recipient's email address and phone number are now required.
4. Item field - HS code becomes mandatory. Its value must contain at least 6 numeric characters and can't exceed 10 characters.
Important Brexit information: To be able to create labels for the United Kingdom, it is mandatory to enter your EORI number (for the UK) in your Delivengo account, by logging into your Delivengo interface. In the absence of this number, all your labels will be in "annoucement fail" and cannot be created on Sendcloud.
Contact Delivengo by telephone on 3634 or by leaving your contact details on their site in order to obtain your own contract.
Step 1: Activate your Sendcloud subscription
Sendcloud offers three subscriptions with which you are able to use your own transport contract: Lite, Growth and Premium.
For more information regarding which plan is best for you and the needs of your business, you can always contact us via the support section of your Sendcloud account or click here.
Step 2 : Retrieve your Delivengo account credentials
Currently, only Delivengo Profil type contracts are supported in combination with the Sendcloud platform. If you have a Delivengo Easy contract, it's not yet compatible with Sendcloud. We advise you to contact your Delivengo sales representative about the differences between the Profil and Easy offers from Delivengo.
To add your contract, you will need specific identifiers from your Delivengo contract. You need to retrieve your Delivengo API key. You can find this information directly on your Delivengo account on this link.
You will need to enter your account settings by clicking on the "My Account" button.
Then click on "Show API key"
Step 3 : Add your Delivengo contract in Sendcloud
Once the Sendcloud subscription is activated, go to Shipping > Carriers > My Contracts tab, then click "My contracts" as shown below. Look for the Delivengo logo in the list, then click on "Add contract". Complete the form and click "Add this contract".

Complete the fields:
- Contract name (optional): You may choose a name for your Delivengo contract in Sendcloud, like "My Delivengo contract", for example.
- Contract number: Your Delivengo contract number.
API Key*: The API key you just retrieved in your Delivengo account.
*If your API key is modified via your Delivengo space, it is also necessary to modify it in your Sendcloud account in order to maintain the connection between your carrier contract and your Sendcloud environment.
Type of containers
Specify the amount and type of containers you use per pickup.
Check the different types of containers on Delivengo's official website.
Once these fields are updated, you can generate the pickup report (bordereau de dépôt) with the correct information. See this article for more information: How to create a pickup report.
CN22 / CN23 document for shipments outside the EU zone
Sendcloud automatically includes the CN22 or CN23 customs document in the Delivengo label when it's created. This is applicable to the following shipping methods:
- Delivengo Suivi (Tracking)
- Delivengo Eco
- Delivengo Prio
Specific information for Delivengo Prio: Delivengo Prio is a NON-TRACKED shipping method, so there is no barcode that appears on this type of label. Unless the destination is outside the European Union. In that case a barcode will be present but it's only valid for customs services.
For more information on the specifics of international shipments, we advise you to read this article on our Help center.
Please note: Delivengo has two delivery methods which require you to print your labels in A4 format on dedicated paper (Delivengo with AR and Delivengo without AR).
You will find the characteristics of this paper format on your Delivengo interface in the Shop consumables section > Order consumables:
Please note: it is not possible to ship to France overseas with Delivengo.
Done! Once you've followed the steps above, your Delivengo contract should now be successfully linked to your Sendcloud platform and you can begin shipping on your Delivengo rates. When you create a label with a Delivengo shipping method, the label price will now show as 0.00 EUR in your account.