Purpose: This is a guide on how to troubleshoot issues that may occur when integrating with Magento 2.
Please ensure that you have the current version
You can find the latest version here. You can do this using the composer, by using the following command. You can change the "{version_number}” version number to the most recent version number.
composer require sendcloud/sendcloud:{version_number}
php bin/magento module:enable SendCloud_SendCloud
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:flush
Error 405 Authentication
If you receive this error message, orders will not be imported into the Sendcloud panel. We recommend that you change your Magento V2 password in the settings of your Magento account. This should allow orders to be imported again.
Error message when updating to the latest version
If you are receiving the following message, you will need to delete the old Sendcloud integration and re-install the lastest version, which can be found here.
user is not authorised to Xresource.','parameters":f"resources": "Magento_Sales:: ship
Magento 2 Importer does not fetch orders
Go to the admin page of your shop to create the shipments and create a shipment for each order you want to import, the orders will be fetched and appear on the Incoming orders page of the Sendcloud panel.
Magento 2 plugin does not forward the service point information to Sendcloud
This occurs when If you are running a plugin that interferes with the proper operation of the Sendcloud plugin.
Error with the "Table Rate shipping method" with importing the CSV file
You will get an error message if you link the wrong file to the wrong condition. You need to set the condition to the correct condition (for instance Price versus Destination) and then export, modify and import the file again.
Still experiencing difficulties? Create a ticket and support will get back to you as soon as possible!