Purpose: learn how to find the right shipping method for your shipment; with a focus on the shipment's destination.
Not every shipping method is available for the destination of your choice. Below, we show two different ways of finding out what shipping methods are available for your shipment.
Method 1: Price list
You can use the price list to see what shipping method is available for a specific country of destination. Follow the steps below to learn more:
- In your Sendcloud panel, go to Shipping > Shipping prices
- Enter the country of origin (From country) and the country of destination (To country) of your parcel
- Select the shipping direction of your parcel: Outbound is the default option; if you want to see return rates, click Outbound to see a drop-down menu and select Returns
- Enter the parcel weight
- Select a carrier
- Enter parcel dimensions (optional)
- Click Load prices.
For more information on using the Price list, see How to view shipping and return rates in the panel.
Method 2: Edit Order View or Manual shipment form
If the order is already in Sendcloud, the fastest way to check what shipping methods are available, is through the Edit Order Overview. If the order is not in Sendcloud, you can also check through the manual shipment form (see at Manual shipment form).
- In your Sendcloud account, go to Shipping > Orders
- Find your order at the Incoming orders tab
- Open the order by clicking on the pencil behind
- Scroll down to Shipment and see what shipping methods are available at Shipping method (see screenshot)
If the order isn't in Sendcloud, you can use a similar method. Instead of finding the order at Incoming orders, you can use the manual shipment form.
Manual shipment form:
- In your Sendcloud panel, go to Shipping > Orders
- Next click on + New shipment
- If you only want to check the available shipping methods for a specific destination, you just need to select the country of destination (and state if applicable)
- Scroll down to Shipping method and see what shipping methods are available
Related articles
→ How to use the shipping Price Calculator
→ How to set up your default shipping settings