Purpose: View the shipping conditions of carrier DPD in the UK.
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DPD Next Day Delivery
Next day (or expedited) delivery which gives your parcel priority to ensure delivery by the next working day.
Shipping method features:
- For parcel delivery in the UK before close of business the following working day
- An option of guaranteed delivery by 10:30am or 12PM next day
- Full trackable, with option to reschedule delivery if recipient is not home
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 30 KG
- Maximum length: 100 CM
- Maximum dimensions: 100CM x 60CM x 70CM (230CM girth)
Fresh food (Direct contract only)
For our users with a direct contract with DPD, it's possible to use the Next Day delivery method to ship fresh food. If you're interested in shipping fresh food, you'll need to contact your account manager/sales representative at DPD and get confirmation from them.
1. You must have your own contract with DPD as you will be liable for complying with DPD terms and conditions related to the shipment of fresh produce. You, the sender, and not Sendcloud, are liable if these ts & cs are not met.
2. You must contact your account manager or sales representative to inform them of your intention to ship fresh produce. They will then note the correct disposal time in the DPD system. Obtaining a disposal time happens after the following process is carried out:
2.1. Images of the packaging and every step of the packaging process must be sent to DPD to guarantee adherence to guidelines.
2.2. A test parcel will then be sent to check the arrival time and the condition of the parcel, packaging and its contents.
2.3. Following this, a legal document is produced which outlines your liability and how many delivery attempts can be made based on how long the type of goods you ship can remain in the DPD parcel network before they must be disposed of.
2.4. Items with a handling time of max 24 hours will have only one delivery attempt
2.5. Rates for this service are then to be agreed upon between you, the sender, and DPD.
2.6. A DPD/DPD Local account number will be assigned to you.
2.7. Collections will be organised between you, the sender, and DPD, including collection depot
2.8. Stationary will be ordered - DPD will supply fresh food yellow labels, which you must place on the outside of the box. All fresh food accounts must have a safe place and delivery to neighbour set up to reduce the chance of return parcels if the recipient is not home to collect. Otherwise, the items will be disposed of based on their handling time.
3. Once this process is complete, you're ready to start shipping. Create your label via Sendcloud (via your direct contract with DPD). Your account number will trigger Sendcloud to produce your labels via your fresh food account. The DPD system will then trigger the auto safe place/delivery to neighbour allowance and a disposal date will be assigned to the parcel.
Non-perishable food is treated as any normal parcel, with no additional checks or auto disposal needed.
If your item/s have a shelf life of 6 months plus, this is classed as non-perishable by DPD. Any items requiring temperature control and/or with a shorter shelf life will be classed as perishable.
Extra information: If you wish to send liquids (e.g. alcohol or juices over 100ml) DPD must sign this off and check the packaging used (if shipping alcohol, Ezee packaging is recommended). When shipping liquids, all parcels must contain a failsafe to contain liquids inside the box in the event of spillage or breakage to help protect other senders parcels and the safety of the driver.
DPD Two Day Delivery
Parcel delivery within an agreed timeframe of 48 hours.
Shipping method features:
- Full trackable, with option to reschedule delivery if recipient is not home
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 30 KG
- Maximum length: 100 CM
- Maximum dimensions: 100CM x 60CM x 70CM (230CM girth)
DPD Saturday and Sunday Service
Service Presentation
Allows you to offer even more flexible shipping options to your customers by extending the working week and offering delivery on Saturdays or Sundays.
Shipping method features:
- An option of guaranteed delivery by 10:30am or 12pm for Saturday
- An option of guaranteed delivery by 12:00pm Sunday
- An option of standard delivery is also possible
- Full trackable, with option to reschedule delivery if recipient is not home
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 30 KG
- Maximum length: 100 CM
- Maximum dimensions: 100CM x 60CM x 70CM (230CM girth)
DPD Pickups
You can request a daily (recurring) pickup with DPD UK if you ship at least 20 parcels per collection. Shippers who do not qualify for a daily collection (20 per collection) have to drop their parcels at a DPD Pickup Shop location.
DPD Pickup Shop Return
Service Presentation
Your customers can return their parcels to any one of 2,500 DPD Pickup points across the UK.
Shipping method features:
- Full traceable via DPD tracking service
- Customers can return at their most convenient pickup point location
- They receive a receipt for the return
- Text notification service
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 20 kg
- Maximum length: N/A
- Maximum dimensions: 60cmx60cmx60cm or no two sides to exceed 1.2 m collectively
DPD Classic
Service Presentation
This shipping method can be used to ship to the following destinations: Hungary, Austria, Latvia, Romania, Ukraine, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Greece, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Czechia, Serbia, Germany, Estonia, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden, Belgium, Finland and Bulgaria.
Shipping method features:
- International shipments to European countries
- Delivery timeframe prediction notifications
- European Pickup network
- Individual parcel tracking and proof of delivery
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 31.5 kg
- Maximum length: 175 cm
- Maximum dimensions: Max length 120 cm. Max girth 300 cm. Girth = 1 x length + 2 x height + 2 x width
You can prevent this issue by first cancelling all labels, and wait for 30 minutes before creating the correct amount of labels.
DPD ExpressPak Next Day
Service presentation
Next day delivery of parcels up to 5kg to destinations within the EU, including delivery on a weekend when you select from one of the weekend delivery shipping methods.
Shipping options:
- ExpressPak Saturday
- ExpressPak Saturday 10.30
- ExpressPak Saturday 12.00
- Express Pak Sunday
- ExpressPak Sunday 12.00
Shipping method features:
- International shipments within EU
- Can choose to have your parcel delivered on the weekend and/or before a specific time slot (10.30am on Saturday or before 12.00pm on Saturday/Sunday)
- Delivery timeframe prediction notifications
- European Pickup network
- Individual parcel tracking and proof of delivery
Characteristics of the parcel:
- Maximum weight: 5 kg
- Maximum length: 52 cm
- Max dimensions: (length + width + height): 82 cm
Direct contract shipping methods
If you have a direct contract with DPD, you can easily integrate it with your Sendcloud account. Our DPD Contract Activation guide explains how to connect your direct contract. This setup allows you to ship under your own terms and conditions.
Direct contract shipping methods
Shipping method | Shipping method ID |
DPD Air Classic - incoterm DAP | 7668 |
DPD Two Day - Extended Liability | 24675 |
DPD Classic Expresspak | 7667 |
DPD Next Day Delivery - Extended Liability | 24674 |
DPD Two Day 0-30kg - incoterm DDP | 4207 |
DPD Direct - incoterm DAP | 7669 |
DPD Direct - incoterm DDP | 7670 |
DPD Expresspak 0-5kg - Extended Liability | 24676 |
DPD Direct Lite 0-2kg | 8996 |
Claim compensation
If you ship using Sendcloud's rates, Sendcloud acts as the intermediary between you and DPD UK. In case of any incidents with your parcels, you can open a claim directly through the Support panel in your Sendcloud account. For more details, refer to our article: How do I start an investigation or file a claim for my parcel?
Please note the following important information regarding DPD UK’s claim conditions:
Standard Liability: Up to 100 GBP (based on purchase value) is provided for lost, delivered but not received, or damaged shipments. Shipping and return costs are not refunded, and delayed shipments cannot be compensated. Please note that the 100 GBP default insurance is no longer visible in the order overview within your Sendcloud account, but this does not affect your existing insurance settings with DPD UK.
High-Value Shipments: We recommend using Sendcloud's xCover insurance to cover the full value of high-value parcels and ensure comprehensive protection for your shipments.
Excluded Items: DPD UK does not accept liability for certain products, including liquid and pharmaceutical items. Please review the full list of prohibited goods not covered by DPD insurance.
To open a claim with DPD UK, you need to provide us with a purchase invoice. If this purchase invoice doesn't include all of the following information, make sure to also add a sales invoice that does contain this information: a markup, description of the items, quantity, and costs.
Failure to present this information within 14 days of the investigation conclusion, results in the carrier not accepting the claim.
For more information about claims with DPD UK, read their FAQ page.
Failure to comply to the agreed transport conditions of DPD UK may result in you receiving a surcharge. When you ship with DPD UK, you automatically agree to these conditions.