Purpose: Find out how to easily connect your BigCommerce shop with Sendcloud. You don't need any development skills and you can do it in less than 5 minutes by following the next steps.
Step 1: Install the Sendcloud app in BigCommerce
Navigate to Apps inn the left side-menu.
- Select the BigCommerce marketplace
- In the search bar, enter Sendcloud and select our BigCommerce app
- Upon selecting the Sendcloud app, click Install and Confirm our access request.
Step 2: Connect to your Sendcloud account
Navigate to your newly installed Sendcloud app and login with your Sendcloud account or create a new one.
- Enter your Sendcloud credentials and click on Connect
- Your BigCommerce shop is now connected to Sendcloud and the orders can be processed via Incoming orders. You are now redirected to the dashboard page in BigCommerce.