Topic: If you have your own GLS contract, you can connect it with Sendcloud in just a few steps.
The Sendcloud subscription plans have been updated. If the subscriptions shown in the banner above don’t match your current subscription plan and you’d like to know more, please click here.
Step 1: Activate your Sendcloud Subscription
Sendcloud offers 3 different subscriptions with which you can use your own contract: Lite, Growth, and the Premium Plan.
For more information regarding which plan is best for you and the needs of your business, you can always contact us via the support section of your Sendcloud account or click here.
Step 2: Obtain your credentials
In order to successfully connect your own GLS contract, the following data is required:
Username: The WebAPI Username is provided by your GLS contact person. Usually, it starts with your Customer-ID and ends with “-api” (e.g. 2761234567-api).
Password: The password is provided by your GLS contact person. This is a different password than the one in your GLS portal, which starts with “YourGLS”.
Contact-ID: Your customer-ID is your shipping point number used for pickups. Your contact-ID consists of 10 characters (e.g. 276a165X14)
Customer-ID: Your customer-ID is mainly used for invoice issues. Please note, this is not the 2- to 9-digit GLS Gepard customer number. Your customer-ID is consists of 10 numbers (e.g. 2764200001). Note: if you get this error (An error occurred when validating input: The provided shipper is not allowed to create shipments), please make sure to check your Customer-ID.
.You can also add the following keys (optional for Germany*):
Customs-API Key: API Key and API Secret are needed to be set if you want to transfer customs data to GLS. To get your API Key and Secret, open the GLS developer portal and follow the “Get Started” instructions (enable the Customs API). Your customs-API usually looks like: Abc1dE2fgHi4JKLMn5oPuvw6XYz
Customs-API Secret: API Key and API Secret are needed to be set if you want to transfer customs data to GLS. To get your API Key and Secret, open the GLS developer portal and follow the “Get Started” instructions (enable the Customs API). Your Customs-API Secret usually looks like: 0A1b2Cd3eFG4hIj5
Step 3: Activate your contract in Sendcloud
- Log in to your Sendcloud account.
- Navigate to Settings > Carriers & Pricing
- Find GLS in the list of available carriers for Austria or Germany and click Enable own contract
- Enter the information you obtained in Step 2 into the correct fields, and click Save
Once you have activated the plan and connected your own contract, you can
start shipping. The available shipping methods for your GLS contract are automatically added to your Sendcloud.
Direct contract shipping methods
Direct contract shipping methods
Shipping method | Shipping method ID |
GLS AT BusinessParcel + FlexDelivery 0-31.5kg | 8169 |
GLS AT BusinessParcel ShopReturn 0-31.5kg | 8185 |
GLS AT BusinessParcel + ShopDelivery 0-31.5kg | 8176 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg | 8207 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - Incoterm DAP >135 pound | 8210 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - Incoterm DDP | 8208 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - Incoterm DDP <135 pound | 8209 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel ShopReturn 0-40kg | 8228 |
GLS AT EuroBusinessParcel + ShopDelivery 0-40kg | 8219 |
GLS Euro Express Parcel | 2643 |
GLS EuroExpressParcel 0-50kg - incoterm DAP >135 pound | 3534 |
GLS EuroExpressParcel 0-50kg - incoterm DDP >135 pound | 3533 |
GLS EuroExpressParcel 0-50kg - incoterm DDP <135 pound | 3532 |
GLS Express Parcel | 2642 |
GLS AT ExpressParcel 9:00 0-50kg | 8198 |
GLS AT ExpressParcel 10:00 0-50kg | 8197 |
GLS AT ExpressParcel 12:00 0-50kg | 8196 |
GLS Global Express Parcel | 2644 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-2kg | 556 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-2kg DDU | 2175 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-2kg | 1760 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-2kg | 1331 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-2kg | 1730 |
GLS ShopDelivery 0-40kg | 557 |
GLS ShopDelivery 0-40kg DDU | 2182 |
GLS ShopDelivery | 1767 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-40kg - incoterm DAP >135 pound | 3531 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-40kg - incoterm DDP >135 pound | 3530 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-40kg - incoterm DDP <135 pound | 3529 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - incoterm DAP >135 pound | 3528 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - incoterm DDP >135 pound | 3527 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 0-40kg - incoterm DDP <135 pound | 3526 |
GLS ShopReturnService | 2624 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 10-15kg | 565 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 10-15kg DDU | 2178 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 10-15kg | 1763 |
GLS FlexDelivery 10-15kg | 1334 |
GLS FlexDelivery 10-15kg | 1733 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 15-25kg | 568 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 15-25kg DDU | 2179 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 15-25kg | 1764 |
GLS FlexDelivery 15-25kg | 1335 |
GLS FlexDelivery 15-25kg | 1734 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 2-5kg | 559 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 25-30kg | 571 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 25-30kg DDU | 2180 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 25-30kg | 1765 |
GLS FlexDelivery 25-30kg | 1336 |
GLS FlexDelivery 25-30kg | 1735 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 2-5kg DDU | 2176 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 2-5kg | 1761 |
GLS FlexDelivery 2-5kg | 1332 |
GLS FlexDelivery 2-5kg | 1731 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 30-40kg | 574 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 30-40kg DDU | 2181 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 30-40kg | 1766 |
GLS FlexDelivery 30-40kg | 1337 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 5-10kg | 562 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 5-10kg DDU | 2177 |
GLS EuroBusinessParcel 5-10kg | 1762 |
GLS FlexDelivery 5-10kg | 1333 |
GLS FlexDelivery 5-10kg | 1732 |
GLS Letterbox | 2770 |
GLS BusinessParcel 0-1kg | 508 |
GLS BusinessParcel 0-1kg | 1751 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-1kg | 1319 |
GLS FlexDelivery 0-1kg | 1745 |
GLS Guaranteed24 0-1kg | 532 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 0-40kg | 520 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 0-1kg | 1720 |
GLS BusinessParcel 10-15kg | 514 |
GLS BusinessParcel 10-15kg | 1757 |
GLS FlexDelivery 10-15kg | 1325 |
GLS FlexDelivery 10-15kg | 1727 |
GLS Guaranteed24 10-15kg | 538 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 10-15kg | 1740 |
GLS BusinessParcel 1-2kg | 509 |
GLS BusinessParcel 1-2kg | 1752 |
GLS FlexDelivery 1-2kg | 1320 |
GLS FlexDelivery 1-2kg | 1746 |
GLS Guaranteed24 1-2kg | 533 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 1-2kg | 1721 |
GLS BusinessParcel 15-20kg | 515 |
GLS BusinessParcel 15-20kg | 1758 |
GLS FlexDelivery 15-20kg | 1326 |
GLS FlexDelivery 15-20kg | 1728 |
GLS Guaranteed24 15-20kg | 539 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 15-20kg | 1741 |
GLS BusinessParcel 20-25kg | 516 |
GLS BusinessParcel 20-25kg | 1759 |
GLS FlexDelivery 20-25kg | 1327 |
GLS FlexDelivery 20-25kg | 1729 |
GLS Guaranteed24 20-25kg | 540 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 20-25kg | 1742 |
GLS BusinessParcel 2-3kg | 510 |
GLS BusinessParcel 2-3kg | 1753 |
GLS FlexDelivery 2-3kg | 1321 |
GLS FlexDelivery 2-3kg | 1747 |
GLS Guaranteed24 2-3kg | 534 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 2-3kg | 1722 |
GLS BusinessParcel 25-31.5kg | 517 |
GLS BusinessParcel 25-31.5kg | 1749 |
GLS FlexDelivery 25-31.5kg | 1328 |
GLS FlexDelivery 25-31.5kg | 1737 |
GLS Guaranteed24 25-31.5kg | 541 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 25-31.5kg | 1743 |
GLS BusinessParcel 31.5-40kg | 519 |
GLS FlexDelivery 31.5-40kg | 1330 |
GLS FlexDelivery 31.5-40kg | 1738 |
GLS Guaranteed24 31.5-40kg | 543 |
GLS BusinessParcel 3-5kg | 511 |
GLS BusinessParcel 3-5kg | 1754 |
GLS FlexDelivery 3-5kg | 1322 |
GLS FlexDelivery 3-5kg | 1748 |
GLS Guaranteed24 3-5kg | 535 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 3-5kg | 1723 |
GLS BusinessParcel 5-8kg | 512 |
GLS BusinessParcel 5-8kg | 1755 |
GLS FlexDelivery 5-8kg | 1323 |
GLS FlexDelivery 5-8kg | 1725 |
GLS Guaranteed24 5-8kg | 536 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 5-8kg | 1724 |
GLS BusinessParcel 8-10kg | 513 |
GLS BusinessParcel 8-10kg | 1756 |
GLS FlexDelivery 8-10kg | 1324 |
GLS FlexDelivery 8-10kg | 1726 |
GLS Guaranteed24 8-10kg | 537 |
GLS National Shop Delivery 8-10kg | 1739 |