Purpose: This is a guide on how your customers can choose in the checkout which service point their package will be sent.
Offer your customers the option of being delivered through service points can increase your shop conversion rate up to 30%. It is also becoming one of the most favorite delivery options in Europe. You can easily implement it on Shopware 5 thanks to Sendcloud in less than 5 minutes by following the next steps.
Activating Service Points in the panel
1. In your Shopware 5 account, go to Configuration > Shipping costs. 2. On the list of available shipping methods, Service Point Delivery will be listed.
3. To modify the Service Point Delivery shipping method, click on Edit.
4. Please click the box to activate the Service Point Delivery method.
Configure service point delivery on your Sendcloud account
1. To navigate to the Sendcloud panel, go to the Sendcloud plugin and click the button Go to Sendcloud.
2. Navigate to Settings > Integrations.
3. Click on Shopware 5 integration.
4. Please click the Service Points box to enable service point carriers and click on the Save button. Make sure to also select the carriers you want to offer service point delivery with.
Enable a Service Point Delivery in Checkout
1. Navigate to the Checkout/payment & shipping page, Service Point Delivery should appear in the list of possible shipping methods.
2. If Service Point Delivery is selected, the Select service point button will be shown.
3. When the Select service point button is clicked, the location picker will be shown. Please select your service point location.
4. Selected service points will be shown along with the service point delivery shipping method. Please note that the Save button is now available.
5. Navigate to the finish page by clicking the Next button.
6. On the checkout/complete order page, if the service point shipping method is selected, service point information will be shown and service point location can be changed. Behavior of Select Service Point button is the same as on the checkout/payment & shipping page.
7. Finish the order by clicking on the Send order button.
Configure the Customer Section
1. Navigate to My Account >Orders to list the customer's orders.
2. If the Service point delivery shipping method is used, the service point information will be shown.
Configure the Admin Section
1. In the customers menu, please go to Orders. All orders will be listed.
2. If the Service point delivery shipping method is used, the service point information will be shown.
3. If the Sendcloud account is connected, the Sendcloud card will be on order/overview tab. On the order details tab in the Dispatch data section, service point location can be changed by clicking on the Select Service Point button. After changing the service point location, please click on the Save.
Order confirmation email template
1. An order confirmation template can be extended as well. Please go to Configuration > Email management > Email Templates.
2. Please go to System emails > sORDER section.
3. Please extend Text and HTML with the following snippets.
{if $scServicePoint}
Service Point Delivery:
{$scServicePoint.street} {$scServicePoint.house_number}
{$scServicePoint.postal_code} {$scServicePoint.city}
{if $scServicePoint}
<strong>Service Point Delivery:</strong><br>
{$scServicePoint.name} <br>
{$scServicePoint.street} {$scServicePoint.house_number}<br>
{$scServicePoint.postal_code} {$scServicePoint.city}<br>
Congratulations! Service point delivery is now available on your online store. Offering several delivery options is always better than offering only one, and it also increases your conversion rate.
To understand how service points work with Sendcloud please see our FAQ