Purpose: Offer your customers the option of being delivered through service points can increase your shop conversion rate up to 30%. It is also becoming one of the most favorite delivery options in Europe. You can easily implement it on Shopware 6 thanks to Sendcloud in less than 5 minutes by following the next steps
Step 1: Activating Service Points in the panel
1. In your Sendcloud account, go to Settings > Integrations and click on the pen to change settings of your shop.
2. Tick the box "Service Point" and the carrier for which you want to activate this delivery option.
Step 2: Configuring Shopware 6 for Service Point Delivery
1. Navigate to the Orders via the side panel on your Shopware 6 store.
2. On the list of available shipping methods Service Point Delivery will be listed
3. To modify the Service Point Delivery shipping method, please click on the three dots ("...") and then on Edit
4. Add a pricing rule and price matrix without any other modification
4.1 Click on the Save button.
4.2 Activate Service point delivery shipping method
4.3 Click on the Save button.
5. Please activate the Service Point Delivery method by clicking on the respective button.
6. Now, add the Service Point Delivery to your storefront shipping methods. Navigate to the general settings of your shop, open the drop-down menu under Shipping methods, select Service Point Delivery, and hit Save.
To understand how service points works with Sendcloud and have more information please visit our FAQ.