Purpose: See how you can import orders in bulk using a CSV file or spreadsheet.
Step 1: Download the example CSV file
- Use the following format from the example file to organise your data into the correct columns/headers. This allows Sendcloud to recognise your data correctly so it can be pre-filled into the address fields when you upload your file.
- Save your file as CSV, comma delimited
- If your file contains special characters, please save it under format UTF-8
- Add a maximum of 1000 orders
- Maximum file size: 3 MB
Step 2: Upload your file in Sendcloud
- Go to Shipping and select Upload file from the right side of the screen.
- Upload your file either by dragging and dropping it into the box, or pressing browse to locate it on your computer.
Step 3:
On the next page you can create a new preset to make your future CSV file imports easier.
Please fill out the following fields
- Name
- Company name (if needed)
- Street name
- Address
- City
- Postal code
- Country Code*
*In order to have a complying CSV import, it is important to input a country code (ISO code) matching the destination country. Here is a list of ISO codes to help you.
By making a preset you can give certain automatic information to your CSV file. When in the future you will upload a new file, you can choose an already existing preset and the information contained in your file will go straight to your imported orders, skipping the validation stage.
Here you need to select the terms matching the fields of your table from the dropdown menus. When all fields are green, you can click "Save".
Step 4:
On this page you can edit your orders, select a shipping method and then create your labels.
Delete CSV upload
You can delete the CSV upload - and with that all the CSV orders that are still at Incoming Orders - by following the steps below:
- Go to Settings > Integrations
- Find Uploaded data in the list of integrations
- Click on Disconnect
Your CSV file has now been removed. Any orders imported through CSV that were still at Incoming Orders will also be deleted.