Purpose: this article explains what a pickup report and how to generate one in the Sendcloud panel.
What is a Pickup report?
A pickup report is a piece of documentation that a driver must sign upon coming to collect your packages when you schedule an incidental or fixed pickup. When the carrier arrives to complete the pickup, have them sign the report and include the date and the registration plate number of the delivery vehicle. They can also be used for dropping off shipments at drop off points. This way you have all the documentation you need to ensure your packages arrive at their destination safely.
Selecting labels
Go to Created Labels in the Shipping section of your Panel. Adjust the filters using the +add filter button to narrow down the criteria and select the carrier and labels you wish to generate a pickup report for.
Select the labels you want to include in the pickup using the check boxes, then press the Create pickup report button. The report will open in a new window as a .pdf document which you can print or download.

Contents of a report
When you have downloaded the PDF you see the shipments you are giving to the carrier that day. Above you see the sender address, when the report is created and the total of items that are on the list.
At the bottom, you can make the carrier sign and date for the pick-up - ask them to also write down their licence plate number for additional documentation purposes.
Keep the copy of the signed report for your own administration and just in case you have to produce it at a later time.
Managing your reports
When created, a pick up report will be shown in the Reports tab in the Shipping section of your panel.
Here you can see an archive of all your previously created pickup reports - click the download button to re-open a .pdf or click the trash can icon to delete and invalidate a report. When a report is deleted, it will no longer be available for download. The parcels included in the deleted report will then become available again, so you can include them on a new report. Confirm the warning to proceed with the deletion.